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Notice on the Release of the Second Batch of Special Guidelines for Research on Space Debris and Near-Earth Asteroid Defense during the 14th Five Year Plan

Notice on the Release of the Second Batch of Special Guidelines for Research on Space Debris and Near-Earth Asteroid Defense during the 14th Five Year Plan

为推动空间碎片与近地小行星领域技术发展,根据工作安排,《关于印发“十四五”空间碎片与近地小行星防御科研专项指南(第二批)的通知》现已正式发布,鼓励各类企事业单位积极申报。各单位可按相应管理渠道查阅申报要求和指南内容。 特此通告

Regulations on International Cooperation and Management of Lunar Samples and Scientific Data

Regulations on International Cooperation and Management of Lunar Samples and Scientific Data


Notice on the Issuance of the

Notice on the Issuance of the "Management Measures for Scientific Data of Macau Science 1 Satellite"


Announcement of the China National Intellectual Property Administration on Approving the Registration of Three Special Marks Including the

Announcement of the China National Intellectual Property Administration on Approving the Registration of Three Special Marks Including the "Tianzhou VI Flight Mission"


Notice of the National Defense Administration of Science and Technology on Strengthening the Management of Civil Aerospace Launch Project Permits

Notice of the National Defense Administration of Science and Technology on Strengthening the Management of Civil Aerospace Launch Project Permits


Wang Yaping: Space teaching will definitely bring us more and more surprises

Wang Yaping: Space teaching will definitely bring us more and more surprises


From Influence to Innovation: The Science and Victory Year of DART's Historical Mission

From Influence to Innovation: The Science and Victory Year of DART's Historical Mission

从影响力到创新:DART 历史使命的科学与胜利之年

World War II anime inventory: all famous works set against the backdrop of war in those years

World War II anime inventory: all famous works set against the backdrop of war in those years


Writing Aerospace Technology into the

Writing Aerospace Technology into the "Smart New City"


Taking these flights has the opportunity to experience satellite internet

Taking these flights has the opportunity to experience satellite internet

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